Eliza has just recently started brushing her teeth all by herself! Yeah! Before I had to hold her down screaming - not fun!
We took a trip to the zoo with a bunch of friends. It was lots of fun!
Isaac has become a huge Star Wars fan. I was in the kitchen doing dishes and when I came out I found Isaac like this. He had been waiting for me, it was cute. Every time Smith put on the hat he started laughing, it was hilarious.
I was lacking a variety of frosting colors so I decided to get creative with some m'n'ms. Sam's brother came and celebrated Smith's birthday with us. He looks so old to me in these pics.
I thought this was so funny. I found Smith crawling with this apple in his mouth. Isaac later told me that he didn't want the rest of his apple so he "shared" with Smith.
Smith is now a year old! I'm realizing that with each child that first year goes by faster and faster. It's so sad. He is no longer my little baby Smith. He can now put up a fight (with the other kids), he knows how to manipulate (but I think they're born with that!) and the sadest one of all he pushes me away when I try and hold him.
On his actual b-day I decided to give him a piece of chocolate pie and sing to him. It was cute, he didn't really know what to think of it at first but he soon got the idea!
Isaac was so excited that I let him go outside in the rain and jump in the puddles. I loved doing this when I was a kid!
It was so cute whenever Isaac got ready to jump in a puddle Smith would bend his knees and jump too.
The onlookers.
The last time I used the clippers on someone (Austin) they ended up getting the "spotted lepord look." I told him that if I messed up I would pay him ten bucks, that's how confident I thought I was, I still owe him. So you see why the need for the pics, I was so proud of myself! Since then Sam is even letting me cut his hair. I would of shown you pics but he wasn't too keen on the idea.